Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Day My Grandparents saw a UFO


52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Week 29  (July 18-24)

Prompt: Fun Fact


 I've mentioned this before but it is one of the most fun things that I know about my paternal grandparents, Johnnie and Eva Golightley. 

 My Grandpa was a story teller. He loved nothing more than sharing  the fun things that had happened to him or other family members. I loved hearing the stories of how he and my Dad were truckers when my Dad was young.  Dad got his commercial driver's license when he was only 15 and then went with Grandpa when he was long haul trucking. Dad started driving a gravel truck before he was 15 but that is another story to tell.

 My new husband and I were visiting my Grandparents in Oklahoma when my Grandpa told us this story (among others) sitting around their kitchen table. 

Early in their marriage or perhaps it was while dating, my Grandparents were traveling between Wellington and Belle Plaine, Kansas, when they saw something very strange.  A farmer on a tractor was plowing a field, going up and down each row as they normally do. Directly over his head about thirty feet in the air was a round saucer looking object. It was going up and down the rows with the farmer who did not seem to be aware of the object.  My Grandparents pulled over to the side of the road and watched the farmer and the object as they moved up and down several rows. Then all of a sudden the object shot straight up into the air and disappeared. 

Grandma was standing at the kitchen sink, while we were all seated at the kitchen table. She was always the rock of the family, the one who could be counted on at all times. I looked at Grandma and raised my eyebrow in a quizzical manner. Even though she was standing behind Grandpa and he couldn't see her, she carefully nodded her head.  It is possible to think that Grandpa might exaggerate to tell a better story, but my Grandma wouldn't.  I know they saw something that day.


1 comment:

  1. I wonder what they saw? I once thought I was seeing a UFO near a cotton field. When I got closer I discovered it was the lights on a folded up field sprayer driving along a farm road. Thanks for sharing.


Ezekiel McCarley

One of my goals this year is to write biographies of ancestors on my McCarley line when I can't think of anything to write for the 52anc...